After making gazillions of dollars from their shitty covid vaxx, Pfizer is developing a pill to treat COVID-19. The weird part about the pill is that you’d be required to take it twice a day.

Now you know why the media is calling drugs like Ivermectin “horse paste” and other names. They don’t want people using available drugs because it prevents these evil companies like Pfizer from making more profits off of their death vaxx and now these pills they’re developing.

But much like the death vaxx, we have no idea what the agenda is behind these pills. They could coerce people into taking the pills much like they’re coercing people into taking the vaxx.

One possibility is that they want to do something similar to the type of thing that was depicted in the movie Equilibrium or the book Brave New World. In both of these science fiction worlds, the population was required to take regular doses of drugs that were designed to control them.

We are not that far off from this type of thing becoming a reality. Look at how many things have happened that would have been unthinkable even just five years ago.