The NFL more commonly referred to as the Nigger Faggot League, has forced Jon Gruden  out as coach of the Las Vegas Raiders over politically incorrect emails he sent over the past 10 years.

Gruden reportedly called Joe Biden a nervous clueless pussy and Roger Goodell the league commissioner a faggot and a clueless anti-football pussy.

He also rightly trashed the idea of female referees, the drafting of homosexual players and denounced the national anthem protests.

I guess he said all sorts of other politically incorrect things in the emails that the media has been combing through.

There’s nothing Gruden said in these emails that I disagree with. He should not lose his job over such emails.

As Matt Walsh pointed out, Gruden was forced out solely because of his skin color. The league has allowed many blacks who have engaged in all sorts of violent crimes to continue playing in the league.

It’s actually quite gay that the emails from an NFL coach from years ago has become a national news story. But the Jewish news media loves to do this sort of thing to scare others from speaking out on these issues.

Whatever the case, the NFL is stupid and pushes all sorts of dumb nigger and faggot shit so you shouldn’t be watching it. What has been done to Gruden is just another reason why you shouldn’t watch or support it.