A new Israeli study is saying that the Pfizer vaxx loses all effectiveness over a short period of time.

This is just more evidence proving that the shots don’t do anything except kill people or cause people major health issues.

You’d be insane to take these shots. These products don’t work. What more evidence do you need at this point?

Companies like Pfizer are raking in enormous profits simply because they have governments enacting coercive policies to get people to take their injections.

There is literally no reason for them to ensure their products work. They’re even exempt from lawsuits and can’t be sued regardless of if their shots kill people.

Of course, they are using this study to shill booster shots. But if the original shots didn’t offer protection, why would you think a Pfizer booster shot would be any different?

This is all about getting people to take endless shots to maintain their “fully vaccinated” status. It’s mass insanity and millions if not billions of people are going to die from this mass insanity.