Some pundit on MSNBC named Michael Beschloss just said that if Republicans win the upcoming election that they will arrest and kill people’s children.

These people are hysterical liars.

The current system in place right now is one of the most evil and authoritarian ever in all of history. Just months ago they were trying to force a deadly fake vaccine injection on people. The current regime also endorses child tranny surgeries and is trying to start wars everywhere. You can’t get much more evil than that.

This is the pot calling the kettle black.

I have no doubt that these people are going to try to rig the vote, but I don’t think they have the infrastructure or people in place to be able to rig it like in 2020. There is also much more of an awareness of their vote fraud schemes. Plus, people have seen two years of the Democrat regime doing everything in their power to destroy the country.

That’s why they are just putting people like this clown on television to scare people into thinking that Republicans will kill their children if they win. It’s utterly ridiculous and reeks of desperation. These people have lost the plot.