British actor Rowan Atkinson best known for his role as Mr. Bean has rightly exposed electric vehicles as a scam and a fraud. He is saying that gasoline cars are better and feels like he was duped with by the whole EV push.

What’s interesting is that he actually has a background in electrical engineering so it isn’t like he’s talking out his ass. He got a degree in the field before he became known as Mr. Bean. So because of this, his opinion does hold some weight. Certainly more than any other random actor.

Leave it to the WaPo faggots to counter signal him on this. I doubt the faggot who wrote this “advice” piece has any experience in electrical engineering like Mr. Bean does.

EVs are most definitely not the better choice for millions of people. They are the absolute shits. There’s problems with range and you have all sorts of battery inefficiencies during cold weather.

Also, what happens if the power goes out or you can’t reach a power source? The EV quickly becomes a useless piece of metal on four wheels.

You also have the immense resources that needs to go into mining the material for these large car batteries.

There’s many reasons why EVs suck. I am glad that Mr. Bean has helped expose the many problems with these faggot vehicles.