Thousands of flights have been cancelled after a large number of employees at Jacksonville’s airport called out sick. The sickout was reportedly over the vaxx mandate but the media is being silent about it pertaining to the vaxx. They’re claiming unexpected staff shortages and provided vague explanations as to the nature of the issue.

These vaxx mandates are going to cripple the airline system. We are just seeing the start of this. Most of the major airliners in the country have mandated the vaxx already. I guess Delta is the last major holdout.

United Airlines is claiming that over 99 percent of their employees have been vaxxed. Something of which this Jew was very pleased about.

I don’t believe this number at all. It is about as believable as believing that Joe Biden received 81 million legitimate votes in the 2020 election.

Even if it is true, this means that their entire workforce has taken a deadly poison and will begin getting sick or die over the next few years.

Whatever the case, I would not be flying in this environment. The virus and security theater at these airports is the most insane things you can imagine. I’m personally done with any sort of public transport unless there are major changes, but I suspect we will not see any major changes until there is a revolution or the whole system collapses under the weight of all the lies and corruption.