Joe Biden finally delivered comments about the anti-Israel protests occurring on college campuses.

As expected, his statement was a bunch of retarded bullshit.

Biden was a big supporter of the BLM riots back in 2020 and he even supported anti-fascists attacking the fine people who protested the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville back in 2017. Now he’s condemning so-called violent protests because the protests are opposing Israel.

He also neglected to mention that most of the protests were peaceful up until the time they were attacked by ZOG badge niggers. It was also antifa or some other agitators who took over that Columbia University building the other day. The UCLA encampment was attacked by a mob of pro-Israel radicals while the badge niggers did nothing to intervene for hours.

The main point I’m making is that the senile old cocksucker wants to have it both ways. It’s all double speak gibberish.

Biden also rambled on about how people have the right to protest and do free speech but then babbled about crushing against racism, anti-Semitism etc.. all of which is supposed to be protected speech. So he wants to pick and choose what free speech you can have. If it is free speech that offends him he wants to use the power of the government to prevent you from speaking and protesting.

I sincerely hope this senile old Zionist fuck ends up pissing and shitting his pants the next public appearance he makes. Everything he says and does sucks. He’s a total puppet of Jews.