The entire Jew media apparatus is trashing Joe Biden’s obviously horrible debate performance. The rigged CNN poll for the debate showed that 67 percent thought that Donald Trump won the debate.

They were already talking about replacing him last night on CNN right after the debate concluded.

Same on MSNBC.

Here’s another clip from CBS describing how Biden’s debate performance was horrible and how Democrats are now talking about replacing him.

Biden’s senile behavior was obvious for years but they’re only now saying it is an issue to justify replacing him. Take in point Joe Scarborough who was saying that Biden was better than ever just a short while ago.

Biden literally had to be helped off the debate stage.

I’m not sure why they waited so long to make this big push to replace him. They could have done this at any time. Replacing him will be a messy process. How do you justify replacing him this late in the game with someone who nobody voted for when you push all this bullshit about democracy etc..? I guess they’re going to plan some weird thing at the upcoming Democrat National Convention? Who the hell knows at this point. I can’t get into the minds of these lunatics.

All of this just tells me once again that the people running things are not very smart. They don’t seem to have any sort of unified coherent strategy for anything. They have too many conflicting agendas and corrupt interests to sustain their powerbase. You can only maintain power off of corruption, fraud and lies for so long before the whole thing falls apart on itself.