The Jew scumbag Jared Kushner said during an interview that he thinks he and his generation could potentially live forever.

I’m roughly around Kushner’s age and I certainly do not share his enthusiasm for immortality. This is however a concept that Jews are very enthusiastic about. They want to live forever so they can escape final judgement from the creator for all the evil they have done in this world.

Specifically, there are all sorts of Jews and assorted ZOG people pushing transhumanism. They literally think they will be able to merge with technology and take weird gene therapy shots to circumvent the aging process to help them cheat death.

One of the more prominent Jews pushing this craziness is Yuval Noah Harari who I’ve talked about frequently.

Human beings were not designed to live forever. People who buy into this concept of immortality risk imprisoning their souls.

Besides, with the way the world is right now, I have no idea why anybody would want to live forever. This world is filled with all sorts of struggles and suffering.