CORRECTION: Looks as if this was a purposeful mistranslation. After reviewing the full clip, Meloni did not specifically call for forcing Russia to surrender. Even still, she is still a stupid bitch for supporting the Ukraine


They’ve been holding that fake Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland this weekend. One of the dumber things said at the event was from Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. She said that if Russia doesn’t accept all of their demands that they would be forced to surrender.

How exactly are you going to make them surrender you dumb bitch?

The Ukraine doesn’t have the manpower to do anything substantive. NATO itself is not equipped to take on Russia’s ground forces and Russia has proven that they have superior weaponry. They also have a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons and are building an increasing number of hypersonic missiles of which NATO has no defense for.

To think that this stupid cunt was supposed to be some hardcore right-wing neo-fascist is really insane considering everything she’s done since gaining power. She’s anything but a neo-fascist. She’s gone along with all the Jewish war bullshit and has done next to nothing about all the invaders flooding into Italy.

This whole fake peace summit has really been something. It would be better described as a war summit. As Megatron rightly said, this whole event has been one big clown show.