Israel’s Supreme Court just ruled that their Israeli Diaper Terror forces must draft ultra-Orthodox men.

There’s been an exemption for these specific breed of kikes since 1948. They are not going to be happy about this and it is going to threaten Bibi’s already fragile coalition government.

This ruling is going to cause even more division among the Zio-Jews. This as they are facing increasingly serious external threats. Hezbollah has shown that their expensive Iron Dome system is mostly worthless as they continue to pound the northern occupied territories with drone and missile strikes. They’ve also utterly failed to defeat Hamas. They only managed to destroy lots of buildings and murder defenseless people. Hamas remains capable and can still launch rockets into kike-occupied lands.

The problems for Israel only continue to grow. This is just the latest of many problems they have and all of these problems were self-inflicted. I hope we see the collapse of this Zio-kike terror regime sooner rather than later.