The Jews just did a very weak limited tank raid into Gaza. This was obviously done for public relations and propaganda purposes. It served no other actual military purpose.

It looks as if the Israelis may have wimped out on a full ground invasion. Either that, or the Jews running the United States government may have been successful in convincing them to delay their ground invasion plans.

Israel could still order an invasion even though it would be a disaster for their army. Their army is filled with faggots and women. They are not good fighters when they actually have to contend with any sort of real military force opposing them.

I’m not going to try to make any hard predictions on this because it is very difficult to get inside the minds of these crazy Jews. But I do think the domestic politics of the situation is going to force Bibi to do something bigger than what he’s already done. They didn’t call up 300,000 reserves for nothing.