The Jews are claiming that they only killed 16,000 civilians in Gaza and that this somehow represents the “gold standard” in limiting civilian deaths in urban war.


Israel has provided an estimate of the civilian death toll in Gaza for the first time since its war with Hamas began in October, claiming that its forces are “setting the new gold standard” for minimizing harm to non-combatants in an urban conflict.

Speaking in an online video statement on Monday, Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman pegged the war deaths in Gaza at over 14,000 “terrorists” and around 16,000 civilians. Local health authorities in the Hamas-governed Palestinian enclave have reported more than 35,000 deaths, claiming that most of the deceased were women and children.

Hyman scolded media outlets and the United Nations for reporting Hamas casualty claims as fact, saying Israel had been condemned globally based on “fake and fabricated” numbers. Now that the Israeli government has released its statement, he added, “we would expect everyone to now take these figures as a genuine estimate from a free democratic country that fights in strict accordance with the laws of armed conflict in one of the most challenging urban warfare scenarios in history.”

They’ve most definitely killed more than 16,000 civilians but even if we are to assume that they are giving us an accurate figure, this is hardly a low number of civilian deaths.

The propensity for these Jews to lie is really something. They’ve bombed nearly every building in Gaza, attacked schools, attacked hospitals, killed journalists, killed children etc.. Yet after all this they want us to believe that they did everything possible to limit civilian deaths. This is not remotely believable. They are committing an obvious genocide in front of the whole world.

Here are some posts to remind everyone what the Jews have been doing to Gaza.