A House bill has been proposed that would give Jews serving in the Israeli terrorist regime the same benefits as American military veterans. They just have to be a dual US-Israel citizen and they’ll receive the same benefits.

You can read the bill for yourself here.

Below are some posts about this latest outrage.

I’m exhausted with the treason and treachery from all these worthless piece of shit politicians. American vets haven’t been getting anywhere close to the proper support they need if you just consider how many of them are currently homeless. That’s really just the tip of the iceberg too. The Veterans Administration has been broken for decades and remains broken.

Meanwhile, these assholes want to focus their energy on giving new benefits to Jews who serve for a foreign entity and not America. Any politician who supports this bill is guilty of treason as is anybody who supports Israel over the interests of America. Unfortunately, this basically describes almost every member of the US Congress.