The CEO of a key Israeli electrical company has warned that Hezbollah could make all Jewish occupied territories uninhabitable within 72 hours if they destroy their power infrastructure. This was originally reported in the Israeli media and has drawn a fair amount of attention.

I can’t speak specifically to the timeframe claimed, but the danger to their power grid described by this Jew electrical CEO is real.

Hezbollah is a formidable military opponent. They have advanced weapons and they are using them effectively against Jewish targets. They have been slowly destroying Jewish air defense systems in the northern occupied territories. They could obviously launch similar types of attacks on their power grid in the months to come.

The Jews are soft and weak. If they were to lose power for any significant amount of time, there would be mass chaos everywhere. Their enemies and the populations around them are used to a lower standard of living and would have no problem dealing with such a situation.

The Jews are definitely not prepared for a real war. They failed to defeat Hamas and it is a joke to think that they can take on Hezbollah. This Jew electrical CEO is correct but it doesn’t seem as if his racial kin are taking his concerns seriously. They’re calling his remarks “irresponsible” when he’s actually just giving them a realistic assessment of what they’re potentially facing.