Sam “Candyman” Hyde was in London today competing in a professional boxing match at some circus boxing event featuring matches between different Internet people.

After Hyde won his match by TKO, he called out the Turkish faggot and anti-fascist YouTube streamer Hasan Piker. The call out was hilarious.

Piker has been legitimately spooked by the call out. Just look at his reaction in this video. He looks like he shit a gigantic load in his pants.

He literally whined about Hyde being a mentally ill Nazi that wants to kill him. Apparently he doesn’t understand that Hyde is a comedian and that the “Candyman” persona is a character Hyde was playing.

Even more hilarious is how Piker has reportedly banned the terms “hyde” and “candyman” from his chat.

He’s getting trashed all over the Internet for this pathetic display of cowardice.

Piker has previously talked a big game about punching Nazis etc.. But given his chance to do just that, he’s totally bitching out. If he doesn’t fight Hyde, he’ll never be able to live this down and his streaming career will be ruined. The clip is not going to go away. It will be on the Internet forever.

If marketed properly, a boxing fight between Hyde and Piker could potentially bring in millions of dollars. He’d get a big payout just to show up. Plus, he could film all sorts of content showing his training. There is literally no down side for him to show up and fight.

I just can’t imagine how someone can be such an enormous faggot. If someone called me out like this in such a public manner, I’d want the fight to be signed as soon as possible. It wouldn’t matter to me if I knew I was going to lose to whoever was calling me out. It’d be far better to take a beating in the ring than deal with people looking at you like a cowardly worm for the rest of your life.