The United States government has put out a new climate report claiming that climate change is becoming increasingly problematic around the United States. They are specifically claiming that climate change is worse in the US for some unexplainable reason. They are also claiming that it is only going to get worse unless something drastic is done.

Something being done means things like implementing more green energy scams, forcing people to eat bugs while pushing increasingly more extreme forms of Marxism.

The report is totally ridiculous. It even goes so far as to claim that this hoax problem is impacting blacks, cripples and faggots more than normal people. It also says that it is responsible for inflation rising, domestic violence and segregation.

I’m really exhausted with this dumb hoax. Throughout my entire life I’ve heard all sorts of bullshit about how the world was ending because of changes in the weather and none of the doomsday predictions have ever come to pass. You would think people would stop believing these endless lies but unfortunately people are really fucking stupid.