Google and YouTube are now preventing people who question the climate change hoax from being able to monetize their content.

These big Jewish tech companies are just going to be banning anybody who disagrees with any official Jewish narratives. That’s the direction this has been going in since they moved against people like myself back around 2015. Once that precedent was set, they began slowly purging anybody pushing information that did not comply with approved narratives.

The climate change hoax is also a big part of the Great Reset agenda, so they definitely don’t want people exposing it for the fraud that it is. They want to use it to control people through carbon taxes, carbon credits and other weird schemes that will be tied into this technological enslavement grid they are trying to build.

Quite honestly, you’d have to be a retard to believe this hoax. I’ve been hearing about how major coastal cities were going to be underwater because of fossil fuel emissions for the past two decades. None of these predictions ever came true. Of course, people are generally retarded as evidenced by how many people bought into and still buy into the coronavirus hoax. People continue to drive around in their cars by themselves wearing a mask even though there is no evidence we have ever been in the midst of a deadly pandemic.