It is hard to believe that the Jews have been successful in normalizing this transgender nonsense. It has been successful enough to the point where countries like Germany are introducing third gender options on official documents.


Germany is to introduce a third gender option on official documents allowing people to be registered as “intersex”, after its parliament approved government plans.

The new category will be included on birth certificates, driving licences and other documents.

It will mean those who do not identify as either male or female will be able to record themselves as “divers” – which roughly translates as “miscellaneous” or “other”.

Until now, the only alternative option for those who considered themselves neither man or woman was to leave the gender entry blank.

Obviously any person who thinks that they are not the gender they were born is mentally ill. They are not of sound mind. What’s happening thanks to Jews, is that their insanity is being encouraged. This encouragement has even resulted in people claiming that they’re transgender in order to get attention. That’s because being a transgender faggot means you are suffering from some sort of oppression and deserve special rights over other people.

The bottom line is that no government should be giving out documents with a third gender. There are only two genders. They are male and female. This is a basic biological fact and anybody who says otherwise is ignoring the basic realities of the world.

The only debate we should be having about transgenders is if we should be putting them in mental hospitals or executing them.

Say what you want about the Islamic State, but their policy on faggots and trannies was a much more reasonable one than what we have in the West.