Germany is firing up their coal power plants again because apparently destroying the planet with carbon emissions is preferable than doing business with Vladimir Putin. There’s all sorts of hilarity with this move.

This whole saga has been one of the dumbest things imaginable.

Germany sanctions Russia over the Ukraine situation so Russia limits gas deliveries causing Germany to have a shortage of energy.

Germany then decides to fire up all these coal plants despite them saying for years that these coal plants were contributing to the destruction of the planet.

So according to their logic, destroying the planet is it worth it just to spite Putin. Who the hell even believes this level of bullshit?

Germany’s entire foreign policy is retarded beyond all imagination. They could have at least maintained these retarded foreign policy positions by telling the people that they were going to go big with nuclear power. But doing all this while bringing back coal plants is really quite the thing to see. It’s just a level of insane ridiculousness that is hard to comprehend.

Just wait until she finds out.