The National Rally Party led by Marine Le Pen has won the first round in France’s parliamentary elections. It looks like they’re going to get roughly 34 percent of the vote and take control of the National Assembly. Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party did poorly and will lose a significant number of seats.

Riots have broken out over the result.

It is good to see that the general public across Europe is shifting towards a more healthy brand of politics and are seeking to preserve their nations and cultures.

The question is if this will change anything. After all, this is democracy we are talking about. I am just very skeptical considering most of these right-wing parties that are gaining ground in Europe are pro-Israel and big Jew-lovers. They’re also quite moderate in most cases. It makes me wonder if Jews are deliberately pushing for these parties to take power because they’re now primarily afraid of what might happen to Israel.

Only time will tell I guess. It could also just be a sign of Jews just losing control of things. The ZOG empire is collapsing.