In the case of a nuclear explosion, FEMA is saying that you should still wear a mask and stay six feet apart while hiding in a basement to stay safe from COVID-19.

As Mr. Durant implied, this is total insanity.

In the case of a nuclear explosion, the last thing you are going to be concerned about is staying safe from a non-deadly virus. Never mind the fact that masks and social distancing don’t do anything to prevent the spread of said non-deadly virus. The CDC itself has even said that you no longer have to wear masks inside.

I don’t even know what to say any more. The fact that I even have to analyze this bullshit is ridiculous in its own right.

COVID-19 has been pushed to the back burner so all energy can be focused on Ukraine and a potential third world war. But they’re keeping this dumb hoax in the background so that it can be brought back if they choose.

It’s so unbelievably dumb. How could you not want a real nuclear war to happen when you see stupidity like this out in the open?