Project Veritas just put out the second part of their series on the vaxx. This one features an obviously homosexual employee of the FDA named Taylor Lee saying all sorts of crazy things. He was literally on camera saying he wants to force vaxx blacks with blow darts.

He also calls for a registry to keep track of unvaxxed people.

But regarding the blow dart, who the hell would even think of such a weird thing?

I mean, I have all sorts of problems with blacks but it never crossed my mind to force vaxx them with a blow dart.

I guess this is the type of weird thing that comes from the mind of a homosexual who likes dick in his ass and mouth. He obviously thinks about blowing all sorts of things so it makes sense that he would think about using a blow dart to force vaxx people.

The queer also said he’d go door to door to personally force vaxx people. He even said that he’s against people preserving their bodily autonomy because of the non-deadly flu virus.

Talk about a sick and weird faggot. Hopefully the vaxx kills him and he takes his rightful place in hell. The fact that a person like this is allowed to have a job in the government is proof of how evil it has become.