The European Union is filled with very racist and insensitive people. They hate the diversity that Belarus is trying to give them so they are applying more sanctions on them for their gift.

Belarus and Russia are being accused of human trafficking.

So this is human trafficking, but when all those hordes of migrants from the Middle East came into Europe throughout the 2010s, we were told that Europeans were obligated to take care of them. What has changed?

Considering recent history, this is an absurd narrative. It shows that their narratives only apply to whatever agenda they have at the moment. Right now they view demonizing Belarus and Russia as enemies to be more important than flooding Europe with more genetic waste. With the virus hoax in play, it actually makes it more tough to justify that agenda any way.

Belarus has already threatened to turn off gas supplies to Europe if they applied new sanctions. We’ll see if they go through with that next step. Such a move would undoubtedly only happen with Russia’s approval and Vladimir Putin has made public statements opposing it. They seem to be playing a good cop/bad cop game with the EU.

We’ll just see what comes of this but the chances of a wider conflict are definitely increasing by the day.