The European Union is imposing new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. So much for global free trade. I thought that global free trade was a major principle of this world democracy system that the EU champions. On top of that, why are they making it more expensive and difficult for Europeans to buy electric vehicles? I thought cow farts and fuel emissions were destroying the planet and we needed more people to drive these homosexual EVs to save the planet? What is going on with all this?

The move by the EU actually caused Chinese automobile stocks to rise in value.

Basically what is happening is that China is starting to dominate all industries. That’s because unlike the West, they try to put their best people in charge of things. In the West, stupid women and niggers are put in charge of things because of feelings and other retardation. The results speak for themselves.

Regardless of the reasons, it is very interesting to see how these global democracy people are now pushing for protective tariffs because Western industries are no longer competitive with the Chinese. Just look at what is happening with Tesla. They’re getting their ass handed to them in the international markets by China’s BYD.

China was supposed to be the manufacturing hub of the global democracy order but the Chinese decided to go full nationalist and are now threatening to destroy the whole global democracy order with their new found economic power. It’s really quite a thing if you think about it.