Russell Brand has been telling his audience to watch him on Rumble after YouTube cracked down on his channel. This after Brand was victimized by a vile rape hoax plot.

Elon Musk said he’s disappointed that Brand would endorse Rumble over Twitter.

He claims that he has supported free speech just as much as Rumble.

This is definitely not true. Rumble has many faults (just look at their ToS), but they’ve been better as far as not censoring people. All sorts of people are still banned from Twitter and several people have been banned for unexplained reasons after Musk acquired the site.

Musk’s said he was a free speech absolutist but he has failed to follow through on allowing real free speech. He did stand up to the Jewish ADL but he has also banned some of the ADL’s most prominent critics.

He’s all over the place on this issue and I don’t appreciate about him lying about his support of free speech. There is still not free speech on Twitter. This is just an objective reality.