Some cunt girl boss was put in charge of Cracker Barrel last year and she is currently in the process of destroying the restaurant brand. Just a few days ago she said that the restaurant brand is longer relevant which prompted its stock to crash.

She’s promised major changes all of which will no doubt suck and make things worse.

As this guy said, the changes she’s already made have sucked big time.

Just look at this stupid bitch.

Why would you tell investors that the company you run and the brand you are in charge of is no longer relevant? Isn’t it your job to ensure that it is relevant? Like what the fuck are you even doing with this shit? It’s as if she is only saying this so she can implement and take credit for all these dumb changes that she has in her head.

The company has also aggressively associated itself with all the gay analism insanity right before she took over as CEO.

A bad move considering the standard Cracker Barrel customer has not been fond of this faggot shit. Plus, the last thing people want to be reminded of when they are about to eat a meal are two homosexual men fucking each other in the ass.

Only a moron would take a brand like this and associate it with gay analism. While I don’t know how much she was involved in all of that, she clearly didn’t shift focus away from it and she’s been CEO for almost a year now.

These girl boss cunts are the worst. I’ve yet to see a single girl boss cunt do anything of substance. In almost every situation I’ve seen, they only make things worse.