The Wall Street Journal ran a piece describing how corporate managers are noticing that the people they hire are much less ambitious than they ever were.

This is not surprising at all.

I spent about 20 years of my life working in corporate America and can provide some commentary on this. There are many reasons why this is the case and none of the problems are being addressed. If anything, the problems have only grown worse and keep getting worse.

First, you have affirmative action hires who are hired because of their gender, race or some other attribute that has nothing to do with their actual ability to do the job. Often times, these people are favored for promotions and raises not because they deserve the position, but because they are the right gender or have the right skin color. If you are a hard worker and you get passed over for promotions or raises because of this nonsense, you eventually say to hell with it and stop working hard.

Second, you have the presence of women in corporate America who are at best a distraction if not a major detriment to productivity. Most hold unnecessary fluff positions that these organizations don’t actually need. Women create unnecessary drama and will try to have sex with their co-workers and bosses if they think it will somehow benefit them. They will also conspire to get people fired by making up sexual harassment claims about men they dislike. Their presence especially after MeToo has made productive male workers feel as if they are walking on eggshells. This does not help create an environment where men are motivated to work hard. That goes double if not triple if they have to report into one of these cunts.

Third, only the people in upper management get any sort of real benefit from the company. Between stock, salaries and bonuses, the CEO, CFO and Vice Presidents end up making millions upon millions of dollars while the average worker only makes a small fraction of what they bring in on a yearly basis. What’s the purpose of working your ass off so some douchebag jackoff in upper management can get rich while you get crumbs?

Fourth, annual raises are not keeping up with the rate of inflation. If you ask for a raise, the Human Resources Department will usually present some bullshit formulaic reason to justify why they shouldn’t pay you more. So again, why bother working hard if you aren’t even going to get a raise in line with inflation? Companies are effectively cutting the pay of their existing workers by not giving hem adequate raises.

Fifth, many corporations just forced a deadly fake vaccine on their workers and made them wear masks in offices on orders of the government. Outside of the most dedicated virus cultists, why the hell would people want to be loyal to an organization that goes along with such evil?

Sixth, these organizations have no idea how to motivate employees. They think having pizza parties, stupid social events, handing out gift cards or having a pool table in the office are things that motivate employees. They’re not.

This guy nailed that point with some sarcasm.

Seventh, if you have some sort of opinion or view that is considered to be politically incorrect or not “woke”, there’s a good chance someone could report you to the cunts in HR and get you fired for being a bad person who hurts feelings. WHITE males who are generally the most productive demographic in any organization have been most targeted by this sort of thing. So why work hard for a company that would have no problem potentially doing this to you?

There are of course other reasons that could be cited, but I think these are some of the main ones.

Basically corporate America has created an environment where the most productive demographic of worker, which are the men and more specifically WHITE men, are taken for granted and shit on. They’re given second class treatment even though they are almost always the ones keeping the lights on and keeping things operating.

With that said, men and WHITE men in particular are starting to check out. The ones that are working are not going the extra mile and many have decided that they don’t want to work at all. There’s no incentive to work hard, especially considering how difficult it is for a young man to start and maintain a family. Providing for a family is the main incentive for any young man to want to work hard and that opportunity simply does not exist for a large percentage of guys these days.

If we keep heading down this path, you are going to start to see more and more companies, organizations and systems collapse in on themselves. You can’t continuously shit on the main group of people who are keeping things running and not expect some sort of future consequence.