Hey CNN, just go fuck yourselves.

The United States has been in Afghanistan almost my entire adult life. The occupation has accomplished nothing positive.

Even if you believed in the bullshit CNN is selling about women’s rights, dropping more bombs on primitive cave people is not going to convert Afghans into becoming feminists and embracing women’s rights.

Outside of that, I couldn’t care less what is going on in Afghanistan or how the Afghans choose to treat their women. They can keep them in chains for all I care. We have much bigger problems going on in the United States but CNN wants me to care about this? I don’t think so.

Maybe if our government and media wasn’t run by Jews, we could focus in on solving those problems instead of focusing in on the affairs of some third world cave people. But CNN is a Jewish media operation and that is why they are shilling stupid propaganda like this. They want a permanent military presence in Afghanistan because they think it’d be good for Jews. Although some Jews seem to think they should shift their focus to doing a big war in China.

Either way, everything these Jews want to do is bad and we should be opposing all of it. I’m tired of hearing about Afghanistan and what’s going on over there. We should have never gone in to begin with. 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis not Afghans and let’s not forget the Israeli involvement which is the most important aspect of those attacks.