It looks like California’s deranged lockdown order is going to continue in some form until this summer. And by the time summer rolls around they’ll likely come up with some new excuse as to why they have to continue this lockdown insanity.

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced some minor changes to his ordered restrictions but said that they must continue the lockdown because of science.

Really nice of Lord Newsom to let customers pickup products in mall parking lots. It’s almost as if by making this minor concession that he is purposefully trolling these businesses. Anybody with any common sense knows that businesses in malls can’t maintain any sort of viability operating this way.

Los Angeles County has already said that they would need to be locked down for another three months. As Robby Starbuck points out, this will effectively kill all small businesses in the area. You can’t forcibly close a business for six months and expect it to come back like nothing happened.

And then we have this story about how California State University campuses will be closed for the remainder of 2020.

If these measures are all fully implemented over the next several months, you will probably have 50 to 75 percent of the state unemployed.

These are unnecessary and draconian measures by the tyrannical California government. The state is going to be a wasteland because of these policies.