Boris Johnson addressed the British public telling them that a tidal wave of Omicron was coming and that they had to get “boosted” for their freedom. It was a truly bizarre speech totally detached from reality.

There is no freedom in the UK, so I don’t know what freedom he is talking about. Punishing people for not taking a deadly injection is the opposite of freedom.

We’ve also seen how it doesn’t matter how vaxxed a population gets. The people are not getting their freedom back. Just look at Iceland, Gibraltar and other heavily vaxxed places.

There have been a total of zero deaths linked to this alleged Omicron variant. Nobody has even explained how they test for this variant. There is no justification to suggest or make people take any shot over this.

BoJo doesn’t care though. He is claiming that Omicron is very serious and announced that the government has raised the virus alert level from 3 to 4.

This is all so stupid. It is a nightmare that never ends.