A young black was found dead hanging by his neck from a tree outside of Palmdale city hall. This is a city located in California outside of Los Angeles. His death has been declared a suicide, but blacks believe it was part of a racist conspiracy and that he was hung by White supremacists.

There is no evidence that he was murdered, but blacks have been agitated by the Jewish media to such an extent that they literally believe there are Nazis and Klansmen everywhere who want to kill them. This is pure fantasy, but not in their minds. They literally believe this.

There’s also apparently a second black who was found dead hanging from a tree in Victorville a neighboring city close to Palmdale.

This is awfully strange. What are the odds that two blacks would be found hanging by their neck from a tree dead? This type of lynching hasn’t happened in years so it is awfully weird that we’d see two of these incidents occur in a matter of days.

We can all speculate as to what specifically happened here, but it ultimately doesn’t matter. The Jewish media is going to use this situation to further agitate these blacks to go crazy. They are literally trying to incite a race war.

Whites should avoid any and all areas where there are lots of blacks. And while that is good advice regardless of the situation, it is particularly prudent advice considering what we have going on right now.