Joe Biden delivered a rambling and incoherent speech to West Point graduates yesterday telling them that it was their duty to defend the Jewish homosexual system of “democracy.”

In order to defend “democracy” he basically said that they would have to do war against Russia, China, Iran and any other countries that have issues with this deranged Jewish gay anal agenda.

This is obviously a ridiculous concept and not one that can be taken seriously. The purpose of a nation’s military has historically been to defend its national borders. It was never meant to spread an ideology but that’s what America’s military has been transformed into. It is now an instrument to spread this Jewish homosexual brand of democracy everywhere possible. This is also a big reason why America can’t be considered a nation. It is a multicultural cesspool and home to millions of debt slaves.

The speech was another major embarrassment for this senile old puppet of Jews. He even said some nonsense about wanting to play football at the Naval Academy.

He had to beg them to clap at this ramblings.

I’m just exhausted with the political situation in America. It’s one of the most insane things imaginable and I have a hard time comparing it to anything that has ever existed in all of history. Unfortunately, I don’t see the situation improving in the short term.