The Supreme Court put out a ruling stating that the President of the United States is immune from prosecution for official acts they conduct in office. This is something that has been presumed forever because without immunity, the President of the United States would not be able to exercise the powers of the office. This only became an issue because the corrupt Jew regime in charge decided to engage in an active campaign of lawfare against Donald Trump.

Joe Biden delivered a short statement whining about the ruling that he read off of a teleprompter. He rambled on about J6, said some bullshit about America not having kings, said Donald Trump was basically the most evil person to ever live in the history of the universe and other stupid babble that made no sense. He took no questions after delivering the statement. The old man’s brain is mush. He’s a literal walking vegetable.

He couldn’t even get through reading off of a teleprompter without a major fuck up.

I’m just sick of the lies from this senile old man who shits his pants. He’s just regurgitating bullshit from his Jewish speech writers and advisers. He doesn’t even know what the hell he’s saying half the time.

Even CNN is sick of the nonsense from this old nigger.

There are still some people in the Democrat Party defending Biden but they now have the entire Jewish media machine attacking them. It shows that there is a serious agenda to get rid of Biden. They went from hiding Biden’s obvious senile nature to openly exposing it. This is a dramatic shift and the people who bought all this garbage about Biden being sharp as a tack should seriously question how they view reality. It’s been obvious for years that Biden’s brain is damaged and he is not running anything.

Ultimately, America is being flushed down the drain so I don’t really care what happens with any of this. The rule of law has been dead for years.