Despite major pressure from the Jew media, Joe Biden is refusing to step aside. The statements coming from Biden and his camp post-debate have been insane.

Take in point this one.

Genocide Joe might be a senile old fool who babbles incoherently and shits his pants but at least he tells the truth!

The problem with that statement is that Biden does not tell the truth. All he has done throughout his illegitimate presidency is push Jewish lies about the economy, geopolitics, the border situation and pretty much anything else you can imagine. If this is the best defense they can come up with to explain his horrific debate performance, it is obvious that he is in serious political trouble. They are trying to explain the unexplainable.

Check out this clip. His wife Jill is out in public speaking for him telling him what a good job he did like he’s a small child.

Long story short, it looks like Joe’s wife Jill is the one primarily keeping this clown show going.

It is not her choice to make though. There is now a big push by the Jew media people to force Biden to step aside so they can replace him by Gavin Newsom or whoever else at the Democrat National Convention. If Jill makes this process difficult for them, we could wake up one day and hear that old Joe has passed away possibly under suspicious circumstances. Either that or they’ll just hit him with a bunch of criminal charges to force his resignation.

It seems as if the Democrat Party purposefully setup old Joe for failure by having this debate. I honestly can’t remember a time when a debate like this was held before the party conventions. Traditionally these debates have happened after both parties officially nominated a candidate. So the likelihood that this was a conspiracy to push old Joe out is quite high.

Either way, I have no idea how this will ultimately play out but it is going to be one crazy shitty mess. I’m just preparing for total doom. This is a fake election system and Donald Trump is not the same candidate he was in 2015/2016 or even 2020. If Trump wins it will be because Zionist Jews wanted him back in office and not because MAGA people voted harder.