Joe Biden was interviewed by TIME Magazine and said that he believed that Bibi was prolonging the Gaza genocide for his own political gain.

Aaron asked the obvious question.

Even though Biden is a senile puppet of Jews, he could in theory end all of this with one phone call telling Bibi that they are done giving Israel military support. He doesn’t even talk about or consider this as a serious option. The fact that he does not do this shows that this is all one big smoke and mirrors clown show.

Biden has said previously that he is a proud Zionist and even though he is effectively supporting this genocide, these types of critical statements about Bibi and Israel are making Jews want Donald Trump to return to the White House. They see Trump as a more reliable supporter of Israel.

I’m waiting to see when Jews start aggressively calling old Joe an anti-Semite. That will be really funny. The Jews would do this even though he is literally a Jewish puppet and is the figurehead of one of the most Jewish regimes in American history. His cabinet is filled with Jews and there’s over 100 Jews in White House staff positions.