Belarus is saying that the Kiev regime is staging an increasing number of troops near their border in preparation for a potential attack against them.

NY Post:

Tensions are growing at the border Ukraine shares with Belarus, one of the Kremlin’s strongest allies in its ongoing war against the Eastern European nation.

“The situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by increasing tension,” Vadim Lukashevich, a deputy commander of special operations forces for the Belarus Armed Forces, told state-owned media outlet BELTA. “A coalition of Western countries has unleashed a heated conflict near our territory. They are attempting to drag our country into war.”

Russia sent troops into Ukraine from Belarus during its initial invasion in February 2022, but the country has largely stayed out of the conflict.

Now, Belarus is accusing Ukraine of getting ready to attack by sending more troops, weapons, and US-supplied military equipment to the northern region of Zhytomyr, which borders Belarus.

I’m not sure what they hope to achieve by doing this. One would think that they have enough problems as is and barely enough military resources to continue this insane war. Why would they want to provoke Belarus like this?

I don’t get the strategy of these people. It’s almost like the Kiev regime is run by a retarded Jew faggot or something.