This morning I placed a banner in honor of the late great Azzmador at the top of this website. This tribute to Azzmador will remain in place permanently so long as this website remains in operation. In due time, that banner will link to an archive of Azzmador-related content once a proper hosting mechanism is in place.

I want to personally thank the Engima artist for creating this banner on such short notice. He was responsible for producing all of the amazing art that became a staple feature of The Krypto Report.

Here’s another example of the work he did.

I will be working behind the scenes with Azzmador’s Wrecking Crew co-hosts to ensure as much Azzmador-related content is archived and preserved for future posterity. There’s also other things being worked on to both honor his memory and to help his family during this difficult time.

I’m honestly still in a state of shock trying to deal with all of this so please be patient while everything gets sorted out.

There will be much more on these things in the days, weeks and months to come. Stay tuned.