There are some really bad wildfires in Australia and the government has not been able to stop them.

The media is spinning this like the wildfires are the result of the Australian government not doing enough to limit carbon emissions. But in reality, it appears as if this is just a case of government incompetence.

The federal government was slow to respond to the crisis and did little to help local governments fight the fires when they started. Australia’s leader Scott Morrison was met with some very angry locals when he visited a town that got burned down from the wildfires. He basically got called a bunch of names and was chased out of town.

NY Post:

Australia’s hapless prime minister was forced to retreat from a fire-ravaged rural village when residents — one of them holding a goat on a leash — jeered him out of town over his response to the natural disaster.

Footage of Scott Morrison’s abysmal reception in the New South Wales village of Cobargo went viral Thursday after residents refused to shake his hand — telling their leader to “piss off” and slamming him as a “scumbag” and “idiot.”

Fire tore through the region on Monday, killing a father and son who were trying to defend their home.

“You won’t be getting any votes down here, buddy! You’re an idiot,” one resident bellowed in video of the disastrous visit posted on the Nine News channel. He speculated the leader of the nation’s Liberal Party, which is the nation’s more conservative party, would soon be out of a job.

“Who votes Liberal around here? Nobody! No Liberal votes. You’re out, son. You are out,” the man continued as a bunch of horrified staffers rushed to get Morrison to a waiting BMW SUV.

They’re right to be angry at Morrison. He was vacationing in Hawaii and tweeting about cricket as New South Wales was being consumed with wildfires. He has been totally disengaged from the crisis which has been going on for months. It’s clear that he hasn’t taken this situation seriously.

This is just shitty leadership. If you are the leader of a country and a large section of it is being consumed with wildfires, you don’t take a vacation. You instead work and do everything you can in your power to solve the problem. This was obviously not done.

Either way, this is a terrible situation for the people of Australia. Hopefully they make it through this okay.