Interesting post from AOC about Jewish influence over Congress. Specifically the influence of Israeli lobbying group AIPAC.

AOC might be an ugly horse cunt but what she says here is obviously 100 percent true. Congress is totally controlled and owned by Jewish lobby groups with AIPAC being at the forefront of this. That’s why Bibi doesn’t care about American public opinion on Gaza or anything else. He knows that he has leverage over everyone who has any sort of power inside the United States government because of these lobby groups along with all the various blackmail materials that the Israeli Mossad has on various people. Most everyone is afraid to do anything to oppose Israel and that includes AOC herself. She has several opportunities to oppose Israel and has offered no substantive opposition.

The bottom line is that the United States government is Jewish occupied territory. The only way we’ll be free again is if this subversive influence is permanently removed. That of course is easier said than done but the fact that there’s a broader awareness of the problem is a step in the right direction.