Amy Barrett testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today as part of the Supreme Court nomination process.

Here’s her opening statement.

I didn’t pay much attention to this as it seems as if Barrett’s confirmation is a given.

Here’s a link to the full hearing if you have any interest in seeing some of the banter back and forth. The whole thing like the Vice Presidential debate was fairly boring.

I think the Democrats decided not to put a whole lot of energy in opposing her confirmation. It’s not like the Democrats can falsely accuse her of raping someone back in the 1980s like they did with Brett Kavanaugh. Some of their political allies tried to attack her for adopting some nigger children which was a stupid attack angle that gained no traction.

The Democrats spent much of their time trying to sway Barrett and the audience with emotionally charged arguments about why she should rule in favor of leftist agendas like Obamacare. Many of the things they talked about had nothing to do with what Barrett would be doing on the court. This is a point that Tucker Carlson made in his analysis of the day’s hearing.

Basically what we have here is a situation where the Democrats are focused entirely on the mail-in vote fraud scam. Because if they can get away with stealing the election, Barrett’s nomination won’t mean a whole lot. They’ll pack the Supreme Court with extra judges and do all sorts of other weird stuff if they are successful.

As far as Barrett goes, all I can say is that she is appears to be a substantial upgrade from the horrible Jewess Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she’s still a woman and that raises all sorts of questions.

My expectations are not high with her, but we will see what happens. Ultimately, with the election coming up, there are more important issues to be focused on.