AFPAC IV was cancelled yesterday after the venue they selected to host the event decided to not go through with hosting them at the last moment. The Jews and their allies undoubtedly phoned in a favor. Nick Fuentes said that around 2,000 people were going to attend.

Despite that, they did another smaller “after party” event but ran into more problems there. Apparently they’re going to try and do AFPAC IV again later in the year.

I’m not sure of all the particulars, but it would seem as if these venues that agreed to host their events could be sued for breach of contract.

In other news, Sneako got punched by some superman nigger security guard at the “after party” event.

I’m sure you can find many more clips on social media showing more of what happened but from I understand those were the highlights.

In general, I do support Fuentes and what he is doing but let’s be honest. This is not a movement centered around racial nationalism. It is multiracial Christian nationalist movement that is increasingly being associated with questionable social media personalities.

Speaking of which, who the hell is this and why was she invited as a VIP? I don’t know a ton about her but based on her social media ramblings and other things I’ve read about her, she seems like all sorts of trouble.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there was a very weird mix of people who showed up at this thing. It just makes me question the long term viability of what they are doing.