If Joe Biden wins the 2020 election be it by fraud or whatever, the United States of America as we know it is over. A new study has concluded that the Biden-Harris immigration plan could lead to 52 million new immigrants settling in the country.

The vast majority of these new Americans won’t be White Europeans. That much is a certainty. With those types of numbers, it will be impossible for another Republican to win the White House ever again. The demographics simply won’t allow for it. Brown and black people are natural supporters of socialism and communism so most of them will vote for and support Democrats.

This is why we need to do everything we can in our power to get Donald Trump re-elected. He has his flaws for sure, but the alternative is unthinkable. The fact that there are former members of the Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis saying that people should vote for Biden is insane. They are trying to fool right-wingers into supporting communism. It’s why they haven’t been banned from Twitter and people like myself were banned years ago.