Vladimir Putin remarked during his visit in China that their electric vehicles are superior to American electric vehicles. He also noted how the trade restrictions on China’s EVs imposed by the United States have been due to the fact that the Chinese are simply producing a superior product.


US authorities have imposed tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) because they have become better, Russian President Vladimir Putin has told a press conference in the city of Harbin during his two-day trip to China.

Putin suggested that Washington wanted to prevent strong competitors from entering the American market, and described the US approach as “unfair competition.”

“Unfortunately, the way the world works today, sometimes situations arise related to unfair competition. This is how the Americans recently imposed tariffs on Chinese electric transport, on electric cars,” he said.

“Why? Because Chinese cars have gotten better.”

As soon as another country emerges as a manufacturing power and becomes more competitive, it is suppressed in the US and in the EU alike, Putin claimed.

I personally hate EVs and believe they are just over glorified homosexual golf carts, but it is obviously true that the Chinese EVs are better than the overpriced garbage Tesla and other American automakers are churning out.

The BYD Seagull EV can be purchased for around $10,000.

It is no wonder why Tesla cars are piling up around mall parking lots around America.