There’s been over 2,100 arrests of pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protesters at college campuses across America.

We’ve been told since the 1960s that colleges are places for people to engage in free speech and protest. The right to free speech and protest is also a key part of the United States Constitution.

These mass arrests show that this is all a bunch of bullshit. The free speech movement was originally pushed on college campuses as a means for Jews and their Marxist allies to take over and subvert these institutions. They never gave a fuck about free speech in the first place. It was only used as a mechanism to gain power. As soon as they gained this power, they did everything they could to ban anybody from speaking that they didn’t like. This means if you hold views to the right of Jews like Ben Shapiro, it is difficult if not impossible to speak on many college campuses. If you are somehow able to schedule a speaking appearance, the Jews will usually send antifa or other groups to do violence as a way to shut down the event via a heckler’s veto.

Prior to the Jewish take over of colleges, George Lincoln Rockwell gave speeches at various colleges around America. Take in point this excerpt from a speech he gave at the University of Washington in 1964.

Simply put, free speech does not exist in America. It only exists in theory. In practical terms it certainly does not.

If people hold political positions that the ZOG system does not like, it will move to crush those people regardless of the Constitution, the law etc.. That’s why they have moved so fast to go after all these anti-Israel protests.

Meanwhile BLM people back in 2020 were allowed to burn down and destroy cities with little to no consequence. Same can be said about all these illegal alien invaders that have come into America. More force has been used to crush a bunch of people who merely setup a bunch of tents on college campuses to protest the Israeli murder machine.

In the short term I would expect the Jews to take full advantage of this situation to push more tyrannical laws etc.. In the long term I do not think this show of police force against people engaging in free speech and protest will be to their benefit. It’s just more bad public relations for them and it is causing more and more people to question things about Israel and the Jewish domination of America’s political system.