The Daily Wire has just obtained a gag order against Candace Owens despite the Jew Ben Shapiro claiming that he wants to debate Owens.

Just what sort of Jew fuckery is this?

If you want to debate somebody you can’t be filing gag orders against the person you want to debate. It effectively means that you don’t want to debate them. You can’t have it both ways.

All of this chicanery that has gone on between the Jewish Daily Wire and Owens has severely damaged the Jewish Daily Wire’s brand. Shapiro is becoming an increasingly irrelevant figure as more and more people are seeing him for the Jew rat that he is.

The Daily Wire has always been a totally fake “conservative” operation that Jews like Shapiro have used to try and steer narratives away from people talking about the Jews and their subversive influence. They literally spend half their time whining about trannies in women’s sports and other dumb meaningless shit. They got rid of Owens because she kept talking about things that made Jews like Shapiro uncomfortable.