Ian Miles Cheong who falsely claimed that trannies were a big part of the Third Reich had his theory supported by Alex Jones. He said that it was “the sick truth” in a quote post of Cheong’s original post.

This is just more historical revisionism from Jones who has spent much of his media career bashing Nazis.

The Third Reich came to power because they opposed homosexuality, trannies and other weird sexual degeneracy that was widely promoted by Jews in the 1920s. They did not endorse trannies and it was not a big part of the Third Reich. What Cheong and Jones are doing is projecting what the Jews did on to the German NSDAP.

This post from Jones is even weirder considering that he has been involved with two very strange tranny-related incidents.

The first was him getting caught with tranny porn on his mobile phone during a live Infowars broadcast. When confronted about this by a caller, he went on to claim that he’s had porn menus pop up on his phone 500 times and that the same thing happens to everyone hundreds of times.

The second was him doing a live in studio interview with the tranny Blaire White. He said that the tranny White is a real woman and that his genetics was telling him that.

If Jones cared about the truth he would not be putting out bullshit like this on his social media in the year 2024. He also wouldn’t have lied about his robust tranny porn fetish. There’s also a non-zero chance that he and Blaire White had gay sex with one another. If I had to guess, the chance this happened is probably somewhere around 40 percent.