There are reports in the Jewish media claiming that Alex Jones will be selling off Infowars to help pay the Sandy Hoax parents.

I have no idea how true these reports are, but to my knowledge Jones hasn’t publicly commented on any of these reports. So this could all be made up by Jews.

A Jewish lawyer named Avi Moshenberg is not shockingly representing the Sandy Hoaxers.

The whole thing is a really insane situation. Jones was sued by the Sandy Hoax parents for making public statements questioning if the event was a hoax. They were all legitimate questions because there are many reasons to believe the whole event was faked to push gun control and other bullshit.

The courts ruled that Jones had to pay over a billion dollars to these Sandy Hoax people because he allegedly hurt their feelings despite them being public figures. Remember Robby Parker?

If Parker didn’t want to be criticized he shouldn’t have appeared at a press conference looking like he was preparing to get into some type of character. Plus, what sort of person smiles and laughs after receiving news that their child was murdered? All of this was very weird behavior and quite worthy of criticism.

The case should have been dismissed but because Jones has been identified as a public enemy of this Jew system, he was targeted for destruction via Jewish lawfare tactics. The billion plus dollar judgment against him was clearly meant to bankrupt him and make it impossible for him to continue running any sort of business or operation.

Even if you believe Infowars should be closed down because you think Jones is a liar, explain why ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and other Jew media operations continue to operate despite their well-documented track record of lying about everything imaginable. Jones while certainly not correct on all issues has historically had a much better track record on all issues. He’s just been a fence-sitter on the Jewish problem and has wasted all sorts of time rambling about Arabs, Nazis and Chinese Communists.

Either way, this whole debacle is just another of how corrupt and ridiculous this system is.