I’ve just been catching up on this story about a man named Travis Reinking who walked into a Tennessee Waffle House naked and shot a bunch of blacks. I’m honestly not sure what to make of it, but it’s one of the weirder stories I’ve seen in awhile. In fact, it’s so fucked up, there isn’t even much of an attempt by the Jew-run media talking about how it could have been a racially motivated event.

Strangely enough, the police couldn’t find him for 36 hours. This despite the fact that he was hiding in the woods behind his apartment the entire time. Talk about some poor police work!

Reinking was also a conspiracy theorist who talked about the Illuminati and had some type of obsession with Taylor Swift. He actually thought Swift was stalking him. There are additional reports stating that he was previously arrested at the White House. He was apparently detained after entering a restricted area as part of an effort to try and talk to Donald Trump.

He also had his guns taken away from him but they were returned to his father who proceeded to give them back to him.

This is like some serious MK Ultra tier mind control type shit being described here. I’m not saying that this is 100 percent what happened, but there’s no denying that all of this is some weird ass stuff. It’s almost like he was being triggered through images of Taylor Swift to do crazy things. He may have also just been bat shit insane and was not part of a mind control program. The result is the same either way.

The most awful part about this is that when he killed the niggers at the Waffle House he murdered an aspiring rapper and a genius student. I’m sure both of them would have gone on to help cure cancer and unlock the secrets of nuclear fusion. But thanks to Reinking, mankind will have to wait a little bit longer for these things to be developed.

Oh well, this story is just plain crazy as fuck. It’s so ridiculous that we’ll probably see the Jew-run media try to bury it. They have the Toronto “van of peace” story that they can focus in on now any way.