Trump reportedly said that all Haitian immigrants have AIDS. lol

The Jew controlled New York Times newspaper put out a report claiming that the President in a meeting said that Haitian immigrants all have AIDS. The White House is denying this report.

The Hill:

The White House firmly denied a New York Times report on Saturday claiming that President Trump said that Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS,” among other inflammatory comments.

The Times reported that Trump lashed out at top aides and Cabinet officials in a June meeting in which he bemoaned the influx of immigrants despite his travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, which he said damaged the credibility of his vow to secure the border.

While it is in dispute if Trump actually said this or not, I think the White House made a mistake by not running with the report. In my view, it is a positive thing that Trump reportedly said this. Not only is it funny, but it is accurate in the sense that these Haitian immigrants are diseased ridden shit bags.

The New York Times thinks this was some type of hit piece on Trump, but it just makes many of us view him more positively. None of us want a bunch of low IQ Haitians in our country.